
🔉 SHARP co-founder unmasked as Zionist Rabbi FBI consultant and IDF volunteer

Counter-extremist researchers unmask 50-year-old "Antifa" Rabbi and TikTok influencer Michael Benjamin Salonius.
Cross-post from Justice Report
This was a lot of work. Bravo to Justice Report for their diligent efforts in rooting out extremists in our communities. -

Valencia, California - An investigation has led to the unmasking of two LA-based Jewish members of the anti-White extremism movement, commonly referred to as "Antifa," including a founding member of the "Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP)" movement as a former IDF guerilla fighter and consultant for the FBI.

Read here: https://justicereport.net/2024/10/07/exclusive-sharp-co-founder-unmasked-as-zionist-rabbi-fbi-consultant-and-idf-volunteer/

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